A contribution from Katrin Engel in the category #Travel from 15 March 2021
On our trip to Colombia, we again discovered how practical the AeroPress is for preparing coffee while traveling. If you don’t want to give up your coffee ritual on the road, you’ll definitely be happy with it.
1. Little weight
And that’s where the AeroPress with its 180 g can absolutely score. For those who don’t want to do without their freshly ground coffee, we recommend the Porlex Mini hand grinder, which at a relaxed 246 g is the perfect partner for the AeroPress.
2. Compact size
The AeroPress convinces with its compact size. Assembled, it brings 10cm height and max. 14 cm width. The Porlex and the AeroPress are made for each other, because a whole piece of the hand mill fits easily into the AeroPress.
3. It is unbreakable
Gruff airport staff who hump your backpack or suitcase onto the plane – unaware of the precious cargo – can’t harm your coffee equipment. The AeroPress is made of plastic and therefore virtually indestructible. The Porlex is made of stainless steel and therefore also very robust.
4. The preperation is easy
Wer die AeroPress zum ersten Mal in der Hand hat, fragt sich vielleicht, für was das Ding gemacht ist. Aber nach dem 2. oder 3. Mal werden dir die Augen geöffnet, denn die Zubereitung ist super leicht und der Kaffee schmeckt großartig. Wir zeigen dir Schritt für Schritt, wie’s funktioniert.
If you’re holding the AeroPress for the first time, you might wonder what this thing is made for. But after the 2nd or 3rd time your eyes will be opened, because the preparation is super easy and the coffee tastes great. We show you step by step how it works.
5. Guaranteed to bring you new friends in the hostel
When we unpacked our AeroPress in the hostel in Bogotá, Colombia, the others looked at us askance at first. But we quickly got into conversation and after the first sips we were able to harvest appreciative nods.
Oh well, where do I get hot water on the road?
It depends on your way of traveling. You can get a kettle (and cup) in most hostels or hotels. Alternatively, there are travel kettles that are small and handy. Outdoor enthusiasts simply fall back on their camping stove.
To use the right amount of coffee, you can also take a scale with you. Personally, however, I prefer to memorize the exact filling height for the hand grinder – and perhaps even mark it. This way, you may not be 100% accurate to the gram, but that can be neglected when traveling. (Don’t tell Hannes!)
...and that's what you need to enjoy your coffee while traveling
Katrin Engel
Schwer vorstellbar: Vor Coffee Circle trank Katrin keinen Kaffee. Doch das hat sich mit der Zeit geändert und jetzt geht's nicht mehr ohne. Als unsere erste Festangestellte verantwortet sie den Bereich Marketing und Kommunikation. Dabei schlägt ihr Herz für den Contentbereich, unseren Blog und die Videoproduktion.