A contribution from Stephan Eicke in the category #Recipes from 5 August 2021
Cold Brews are some of the most beloved drinks for the summer – especially because they are so varied: You can drink a Cold Brew pure with a cube of ice, with milk, juice or tonic. Possibilities for the various recipes are unlimited. Naturally, that means some Cold Brews are more well-known than others. We tested five different Cold Brew recipes for you.
But what actually is a Cold Brew? It is not simply cold coffee. It doesn’t matter which beans you use for which recipes: a Cold Brew is always a coffee concentrate which needs 12 hours to be extracted and to settle, and which is prepared with cold water. Here, we summarised the best way to make it.
You can then transform the concentrate into a refreshing drink for the summer. We present a few of our favourite recipes here.
Cold Brew Basics
If you want to enjoy your Cold Brew tomorrow, you should start preparing it today. After all, you need to let the coffee stand in cold water for approximately 12 hours. For this procedure you simply need coffee, cold water, a product to prepare Cold Brew, a suitable container as well as a filter.
Not all Cold Brews taste alike. The taste depends on which coffee you use. We prepared two different types of coffee concentrate. If you prefer stronger, heavier mixtures with milk, we suggest you use our Da Bastilla Espresso, which is sweeter in taste than most others. If you prefer more fruity mixtures, the Rungeto coffee is for you. Both brews are prepared with 1 litre of water for 200 g of coffee. Generally we suggest putting the Cold Brew into the glass as the last ingredient before gently stirring the mix.
These are the varieties of Cold Brew we tested for you:
Gingered Cold Brew
Cold Brew Lemon
Cold Brew Coconut
Cold Brew Affogato with ice cream
Cold Brew Affogato with Sorbet
Gingered Cold Brew
150 ml Ginger Ale
60 ml fruity Cold Brew made with Rungeto
20 ml orange juice
1 slice of orange as decoration
Cube of ice
If you want to make sure that you achieve the best possible mix, you can use a kitchen scale. The preparation is simple: you pour Ginger Ale into a glass, add the ice cube and 60 ml of the coffee concentrate described above. Last but not least you add a drop of orange juice. If you want to make your drink look especially attractive, decorate the glass with a slice of the orange. Done!
Thanks to the orange juice, this particular Cold Brew tastes especially fruity. Ginger Ale gives it a touch of Kombucha. Since the Ginger Ale makes your drink sparkle, it’s particularly refreshing.

Cold Brew Lemon
250 ml Cold Brew made with Rungeto
5 ml lemon juice
Lemon zest
1 slice of lemon
Cube of ice
Easy Peasy Cold Brew Lemon: Add 5 ml lemon juice, a few milligrams of lemon zest, a slice of lemon as decoration and of course one or two ice cubes to 250 ml of Cold Brew. Now you can already enjoy this very special drink.
As can be expected, the Cold Brew Lemon is especially refreshing since it includes various ingredients revolving around lemons. It has yet another advantage: the Cold Bre Lemon barely counts any calories which makes it appealing to sport fans who need a refreshment after jogging. Cold Brew Lemon can be recommended to everybody who loves Cascara lemonade.

Cold Brew Coconut
150 ml Cold Brew made with Da Bastilla Espresso
80 ml coconut milk
15 g coconut syrup
Cube of ice
The Cold Brew Coconut is perfect for all gourmets who like it creamy. But don’t worry if the coconut milk at first leads to flakes in the liquid: simply stir the drink lightly and your problem is solved. The aforementioned milk lends a mildness and lightness to the drink which fits perfectly to the summer months. The same that goes for good red wine can be said for coffee: a full body does not automatically mean it has to be heavy.

Cold Brew Affogato
150 ml Cold Brew
1 scoop of vanilla ice cream or sorbet
The Cold Brew Affogato is a world-renowned Afternoon-Pick-Me-Up. Add the cold coffee concentrate to the scoop of ice cream or sorbet of your choosing. Depending on your personal preferences, you can choose either the Da Bastilla Espresso or the Rungeto coffee.
If you decide to go with the latter and prefer more fruity coffees, we recommend you use sorbet as an ingredient as opposed to a scoop of ice cream. Sorbet is much softer and melts even quicker than its counterpart. The Cold Brew Affogato is perfect for everybody who loves both coffee and ice cream. What’s better than combining two of the most beautiful things in the world?