Redeem Gift Subscription

Did you get a coffee subscription as a gift? Then redeem your voucher now and look forward to freshly roasted coffee.

How it works:

  1. Contact our customer service.
  2. In the message, tell us the following information:

    a. Voucher Code for the Gift Subscription

    b. The e-mail address under which you created your customer account and, if applicable, a different delivery address:

    i. First & Last Name

    ii. Street & Number

    iii. Post code

    iv. City

    v. Country

  3. Our team will redeem the voucher for you. Your first delivery will be prepared for shipment immediately.
  4. After that you will automatically receive another delivery every four weeks, according to the number of deliveries of your gift subscription.

If you don’t have a Coffee Circle customer account yet, create one here.

Contact customer service

You can access our contact form here – click on „Help & Contact“ on the right-hand side.

To the contact form